What is total joint replacement rehab?

A physical therapist is an integral part of the team of healthcare professionals who help people receiving total joint replacement regain movement and function, and return to daily activities. Your physical therapist can help you prepare for and recover from surgery, and develop an individualized treatment program to get you moving again in the safest and most effective way possible.

What are the benefits?

The better physical shape you are in before knee replacement surgery, the better your results will be (especially in the short term). Seeing a physical therapist prior to surgery, even just once, can help reduce the need for short-term care after surgery.

As you begin to recover, physical therapy will manage pain, decrease swelling, heal the incision, restore normal walking, and initiate exercise. Your physical therapist will tailor your range-of-motion exercises, progressive muscle-strengthening exercises, body awareness and balance training, functional training, and activity-specific training to address your specific goals and get you back to the activities you love!